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Joining Us Is Easy

Register here to get involved with all DSL Competitions.
Entry forms to DSL Leagues, Seniors League, Scratch League and other DSL Competitions are available to enter from May to July. Having registered here would speed up your entry process. Players would require a handicap which can be gained by entering our Sunday Knockout Competition where a temporary handicap would be given to you until a handicap suited to your ability can be found.

The benefits of joining any sport is the challenge as
well as meeting new people who enjoy the sport also.
Making a commitment and making new friends could be
all that's missing from your journey in life.

Even if you think your snooker is not good
enough, our handicap system ensures that
you are statistically 50% likely to win each frame you play.

An email informing of when all application forms
are available will be sent to registered players.