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Championship Rules.

Section 1: General Rules.

Entry Fee is £15.00 which is non-refundable.

Players are required to share the table hire cost with their opponent. The Tivoli Snooker Club will discount 25% off your final table hire (Only for C.L fixtures). This discount does NOT apply to practice frames.

Group Stage fixtures have a Play-by date which is enforced. Fixtures remaining after the Play-By date expires, will be "Void".

Void fixtures will have "Both" players losing 3-0.

Group Stage fixtures can be played in any order. Players should arrange a fixture day/time with their opponent.

In the Knockout Stage, fixtures CANNOT be Postponed. These fixtures would be "VOID" giving your potential opponent a bye.

Once a Match has finished and the result sent in, this fixture is complete and can't be replayed for any reason.

There will be a complete set of Group Stage fixtures displayed on the website to help you plan ahead.

Group Stage fixtures will consist of 3-frames. 1-point per frame won. Players should toss a coin for Match Table choice.

There is no miss rule in this league.

Section 2: Player Penalties.

Players are advised to arrive at the club 15 minutes before an arranged fixture time. If you arrive before your opponent, you should advise your opponent of your arrival at the club and that you’re ready for the said fixture. Players that may be running late should inform their opponent of this and give a specific time of arrival. A maximum 15 minute delay would be added to the original fixture time agreed. Any player failing to attend their match by the time arranged by "Both" players will after 15 minutes forfeit the 1st frame and then every 15 minutes up to the maximum 3 frames. Waiting players must remain in the club until the maximum 3 frames time has lapsed to receive the league points. A Player "No-Show" will also incur a -01 point league penalty. A "No-Show" meaning that no attempt has been made by the opponent to appear at the club.

The maximum start any player can give or receive is 70.

Any query regarding points scored during a frame or points added to the wrong score will be a void frame unless players can come to an agreement on how to continue on with the frame. Otherwise, this frame should be re-racked.

Having your own “private” set of snooker balls does not entitle you to compete in DSL competitions with them. You should get the approval of your opponent.

During your match, please respect the other players playing their matches around you by keeping the noise level down to a minimum.

Snooker can be a very frustrating game as we all know but shouting out aloud is not acceptable. When you have completed your fixture, leave the snooker room quietly.

If you have holidays planned during this Championship League, it is advised to play these fixtures BEFORE you travel. Failure to do so may render your fixture "VOID" if the Play-By date expires.

Players are responsible for knowing and playing off their correct handicap. Playing off an incorrect handicap will "invalidate" the match and it will need to be replayed.

The Handicap given to you at the start of each Championship Season is your handicap for the complete competition and will not move.

Handicaps are given to players in good faith and in the spirit that they will be used by a player to mark improvements in their own game and allow them to compete on an equal basis with better competitors – not to gain an unfair advantage.

Final Note:

If you are not playing a match then you should not be in the snooker room. Please don't disturb players while the match is in progress. If asked to leave the snooker room by any player, please do so quietly. If you have permission to watch a match in progress, do not disturb the players.

Players who have completed their fixture and are standing at the bar area should also keep the noise level down to a minimum. This noise carries down to the snooker room causing annoyance to players currently playing their fixture.